A couple of friends….
…were having tea one evening in the Fall of 2020. The conversation turned to a large garden space nearby that supported a CSA for three years but was losing its farmer. We sipped our tea, looked at one another and said, why not.
We started G.O.D. (Gifts of Dirt) Garden. It is a place to grow food for folks who need food. It is a place to work together for those who need fellowship. We are supported by the dirt and the gifts it has to offer.
We are also supported by the owner of the land who is charging a nominal fee for rent, by the former farmer and her willingness to share information, by other local farmers willing to teach and by the Outreach Committee of Grace Episcopal Church.
We are growing food for local food banks and to provide fellowship for people wanting to work in the dirt together.
If you want to get involved, please contact Pegge Ashcroft at ashcroftpegge@gmail.com or Kathie McCarthy at healingworks@kathiemccarthy.com.